Friday, July 5, 2013

Brenn in France - Avignon & Carcassone

Brenn and the rest of the students took an excursion with Dr. Toubiana to Avignon, east of Montpellier. Brenn said "the brief time we were there was excellent as the scenery was filled with history and beauty."
Palais de Pape in Avignon

Sites from Avignon

From Brenn:
"Students from The Citadel finished their classes one hour earlier than normal. We were leaving early in order to go to Carcassonne, which is a good distance from Montpellier. The awe-inspiring scene that unfolded before me, when I first laid eyes on the medieval city of Carcassonne, transported me to another era.  The majesty of the walls and towers gave an impression of grandeur and endurance.  This city has existed since Roman times, and you can at times feel its ancient pulse.  Though we were able to spend a fair amount of time in the city, it was not nearly enough for me.  I frantically went from wall to wall and tower to tower, within and outside the walls, in a vain attempt to capture the essence and emotion stored in the beauty of this place.  In the end, I took many photos, yet it still seems like it was not enough."
Medieval city of Carcassone
Ancient architecture in Carcassone

Brenn in Carcassone

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