On Thursday and Friday, I spent my last two days at St. Francis Boys’ Home. I gave the children balloons, bubbles and name cards so that they could label their personal belongings. I also showed them pictures of my family and of me as a child. Furthermore, I gave some of the children my contact information to pass around if they ever need to speak with me.
Looking back on my last three weeks at the boys’ orphanage, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. The boys are so much like the people I remember growing up with back in South Carolina. They absolutely love sports, games, creating things and learning new things about another country. The younger boys are always full of energy while the teenage boys stayed relaxed and helped look after the younger children. I found it hilarious that just like teenagers in America, the Sri Lankan boys at the orphanage cared so much about having the perfect hair. All of the teenage boys kept their hair extremely stylish. I hope that the staff at the boys’ orphanage continue to plan creative things to keep the boys interested. I was also impressed by the children’s dedication to Christianity. I wish them the best in life and plan to stay in touch with the boys there.
First Friends Preschool FarewellOn Friday, I spent my last day at First Friends Preschool. It was a day filled with fun, surprises and sadness. The teachers gave us a going away party with cake and presents. I also left the children with gifts that I brought from the states. Thank you to the teachers and children at First Friends Preschool.
This summer I spent three weeks of my life at a great learning institution where I was able to touch the lives of the children and teachers. I had an awesome experience and met some extraordinary people. I am so thankful that I was able to travel to Sri Lanka and I learned that just like in America, education at a young age is very important in Sri Lanka. I hope that I had somewhat of an impact on the children’s learning in my three weeks at the preschool. The teachers at First Friends Preschool taught me new teaching techniques, songs and dance moves. I hope to someday visit Sri Lanka again. Thank you to Principal Tovini for allowing me to be a part of First Friends. I would also like to thank teachers Dulanjalie, Muthu, Shanthi, Thamasha, Niveen, Irfa and Dilrupa for their great hospitality and warm welcomes. I will stay in touch with these amazing people! I am so blessed to have met each and every one of you.

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